Management Policy Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy
The Company will disclose information in a timely and appropriate way to stakeholders and carry out investor relations activities to improve two-way communications with shareholders and investors in order to gain their confidence.
Criteria for Disclosure
The Company shall disclose information in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other relevant laws and regulations, and the provisions concerning timely disclosure of corporate information (hereinafter referred to as the “Timely Disclosure Rules”) set out in the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The Company shall also disclose information that does not fall under material facts as defined by the Timely Disclosure Rules, in a proactive manner, provided that the information is considered useful to shareholders and investors.
Modes of Disclosure
Disclosure of material facts as defined by the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be made in accordance with said Rules, using TDnet (the timely disclosure information dissemination system of the Tokyo Stock Exchange).
The Company will endeavor to publish disclosed information on the Company’s website as soon as possible. The Company will provide information other than mentioned above that is considered useful to shareholders and investors by distributing a press release, publishing it on the website and other means as appropriate.
Fair information disclosure
The Company shall observe the fair disclosure rules defined in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in connection with its information disclosure, give consideration to avoid selective disclosure to any specific persons and endeavor to disclose information in a fair manner.
Prevention of insider trading
The Company shall establish internal regulations for the appropriate management of important corporate information and the prevention of insider trading and shall strive to enhance understanding and awareness among its officers and employees through internal education and efforts to keep them well informed.
Quiet Period
To prevent the unauthorized disclosure of earnings information and to ensure fairness, the Company will observe a quiet period lasting two weeks immediately prior to the announcement of financial results. During the quiet period, the Company will refrain from commenting on or answering questions about earnings results. Even during the quiet period, however, the Company will disclose information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules in the event of any possible material divergence from the earnings forecast announced.
Forward looking statements
Forward-looking statements, including information about future plans, forecasts and strategies, that are disclosed by the Company are prepared based on certain assumptions that are deemed reasonable at the time, and actual earnings results and other matters may vary greatly due to various risks and uncertainties. The Company shall draw investors’ attention to this as necessary when disclosing such forward-looking information.