Management Policy Medium-Term Business Plan
Formulation of New Medium-Term Business Plan "Marubun Nextage 2024 "
Starting its history as a fabric and textile wholesaler in 1844, the Company was established in 1947 under the present name Marubun Corporation. In 2022, it celebrates the 75th year anniversary of its founding and the 25th year anniversary of its listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In this auspicious year, the Company redefined its Purpose, Vision and Mission and adopted a new medium-term business plan, Marubun Nextage 2024, which covers the period from FY2022 to FY2024.
To become an electronics trading company that can contribute to the Next Age of technological innovation in the Next Stage, the Company will work to promote business portfolio evolution and profitability improvement through the formulation and management of effective strategic measures (sophistication of PDCA management) on a consolidated basis. Moreover, the Company aims to achieve an ROE of 8% on a consolidated basis by FY2024, the final year of the plan.
Outline of the New Medium-Term Business Plan "Marubun Nextage 2024 "
In the Marubun Nextage 2024, the Company will advance its efforts under the five policies described above with “Link with the Future, Connect with Technologies,” which is in line with the Marubun Purpose, as a slogan.
The Company intends to focus on sustainability management, which was an initiative in the previous medium-term business plan, and push forward with a foray into new business fields and the creation of a platform for growth, while refining its focus in existing business and developing solutions through group and segment collaboration.
The direction we are heading
The following diagram summarizes the future direction for the Company.
In the Marubun Nextage 2024, to become an electronics trading company that can contribute to the Next Age of technological innovation in the Next Stage, the Company will strongly promote the development and management of effective strategic measures on a consolidated basis. Moreover, the Company aims to achieve an ROE of 8% on a consolidated basis by FY2024.
Business segments
To accelerate its efforts under the new medium-term business plan, the Company has established a new segment, the Electronic Solutions Business, in addition to the existing two business segments, Electronic Devices Business and Electronic Systems Business, in the fiscal year under review.
In the Electronic Solutions Business, the Company will develop new solutions and provide them to customers by combining the abundant commercial products of the Electronic Devices Business and the Electronic Systems Business with the technologies and know-how it has cultivated over the years, along with the discovery of unique commercial products with cutting-edge technologies.
Business Strategies for Each Business Segment
Electronic Devices Business
In the Electronic Devices Business, which distributes semiconductor and electronic components, we will work on the development of new commercial products and new commercial rights and on maintaining and improving the profitability of existing business.
We will work to improve the productivity and efficiency of business through low cost operations by using RPA and other tools, while continuing the development of new, high added-value commercial products and new sales destinations.
Electronic Systems Business
In the Electronic Systems Business that deals with the marketing and maintenance of electronic equipment and systems, we will focus on three points: the expansion of business scale and earnings base in new business domains, the enhancement of competitive advantage in existing domains, and the strengthening of Group collaboration.
To broaden our target market and customer base and solidify our position in the market, we will refine our professional capabilities, which is one of our strengths, and strive to expand our services by leveraging the collective strengths of the Group.
Electronic Solutions Business
In the new Electronic Solutions Business, we will strive to develop and promote high added-value business, create and expand new business models, as well as improve solution development capabilities and create group synergy by providing development, marketing, and maintenance services with advanced solutions.
We will continue to identify innovative commercial products and technologies for growth markets, including the medical and healthcare markets, and promote their commercialization. We will also work to establish new business models, such as business involving subscription contracts and license sales
Then, the Electronic Solutions Business will serve as the hub of our business, developing and proposing integrated solutions based on AI/IoT and network technologies.
Financial targets
The Company aims to achieve a consolidated ordinary income of 6.0 billion yen and 8% in ROE by FY2024, the final year of the new medium-term business plan and will work to improve profitability and equity capital efficiency.