Wi-Fi, Bluetooth および GPS/GNSS ソリューション
Synaptics社のワイヤレスコネクティビティソリューションは、Wi-Fi、Bluetooth、GPS/GNSS、および MatterをサポートするためのThread/Zigbeeを含みます。
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Thread/Zigbee
Synaptics社の高度に統合されたWi-Fi/BluetoothシングルチップSoCデバイスは、Bluetooth SIGおよびWi-Fi Allianceの仕様と認証要件に完全に準拠しています。内部PAおよび内部LNAとの統合により、幅広いアプリケーションで最少のBOMと最高のパフォーマンスが提供されます。適切に設計された共存(Coex)スキームは、同じ周波数帯域で動作する場合にWi-FiおよびBluetoothの最高のパフォーマンスを提供します。
Family | Part Number | Description |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43436P | Single-Chip IEEE 802.11 b/g/n MAC/Baseband/Radio with Bluetooth 5.2 and FM Receiver |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43438 | Single-Chip IEEE 802.11 b/g/n MAC/Baseband/Radio with Bluetooth 4.1 and FM Receiver |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43455 | Single-Chip 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 4.1 and FM Receiver |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43456 | Single-Chip 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac MAC/Baseband/ Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.x and FM Receiver |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43458F | Single-Chip 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac MAC/Baseband/ Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.x |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43596 | Single-Chip 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac 2 × 2 MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 4.2 and RSDB |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN43598 | Single-Chip 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac 2 × 2 MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.x and RSDB |
Wi-Fi + Bluetooth | SYN430132 | Single-Chip Ultra Low Power IEEE 802.11n MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.x |
Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth | SYN43752 | Single-Chip IEEE 802.11ax 2×2 MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.1 and an FM Receiver |
Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth | SYN4375 | Single-Chip 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ax 2×2 MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.x |
Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth | SYN43756 | Single-Chip IEEE 802.11ax 2×2 MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated Bluetooth 5.2 (LE AUDIO) |
Wi-Fi 6E + Bluetooth + Thread/Zigbee | SYN4381 | Single-Chip Triple Combo with IEEE 802.11ax 1×1 MAC/Baseband/Radio, Integrated Bluetooth 5.2 (LE AUDIO) and Matter support |
Synaptics社のシングルチップBluetoothSoCデバイスは、超低電力、高性能であり、Bluetooth 5、5.1、5.2などのBluetooth SIG仕様に完全に準拠しています。
Family | Part Number | Description |
Bluetooth | SYN20703P | Single-Chip BT5 Bluetooth Transceiver and Baseband Processor |
GPS / GNSS 製品ラインアップ
Family | Part Number | Description |
GNSS / GPS | SYN47752 | GNSS Receiver with Integrated Sensor Hub and On-Chip PVT |
GNSS / GPS | SYN47755 | Multiband GNSS Receiver with Integrated Sensor Hub and On-Chip PVT |
GNSS / GPS | SYN47758 | Multiband GNSS Receiver with Integrated Sensor Hub and On-Chip PVT |
GNSS / GPS | SYN47762 | GNSS Receiver with Integrated Sensor Hub and On-Chip PVT |
GNSS / GPS | SYN47765 | Multiband GNSS Receiver with Integrated Sensor Hub and On-Chip PVT |
GNSS / GPS | SYN47768 | Multiband GNSS Receiver with Integrated Sensor Hub and On-Chip PVT |